belt promotions

Belt promotions are an integral part of the traditional martial arts curriculum. This process rewards the progress you are making in proficiency and maturity on your martial arts journey.

Promotions are scheduled only when the instructor feels you are ready and will be held as a separate ceremony. They may be scheduled with belt promotion ceremonies from local Qua dojos, or they may be held separately just for Traveling Dojo students.

You will receive a new belt and an accredited certificate to show the amazing work you’ve done!



The journey to junior black belt, depending on the student’s ability, takes approximately 3 years.

readiness sessions

Belt promotion readiness sessions are provided to help the student prepare for their promotion. and are not a guarantee that you will be promoted, that’s up to you (much like academic prep. courses).

These readiness sessions are included in the tuition at no additional cost and will include approximately 4 additional one-hour sessions. Depending on the number of students promoting, these sessions may be held privately or in a group environment.


QUA belt system

The Traveling Dojo uses the Qua system of colored belts on your journey to black belt, with intermediate “stripes” within individual-colored belts (on advanced belts only) to identify progress.

There is a minimum time requirement 24 hours of dojo training (approx. 3 months) between each colored belt promotion, and between each advanced belt stripe within a colored belt.

At Master Qua’s discretion, the time requirements may be reduced (or increased) due to a student’s progress in meeting the Traveling Dojo curriculum requirements.


Belt Levels & Their Meaning

beginner belts

White – Innocence and the absence of experience

Gold – The earth from which plants sprout

Yellow – The rising sun needed for growth


intermediate belts

Green – Growth and ability to defend against elements

Blue – Sky & heavens towards which trees grow

Purple – Color of dawn; transition to advanced practice


advanced belts

Red – Danger; growing knowledge to use carefully

Brown – Ripening seed & maturity

Black – Maturity, proficiency, responsibility

Promotions are proctored by Master Qua and Executive members of The Qua International Federation. Authenticated certificates and new belts are provided if the student successfully completes the promotion ceremony.

There is an endurance, physical skill and oral component to each belt test, evaluating the student’s full understanding of our teachings.