traditional martial arts curriculum
The traditional martial arts journey includes all material covered in the basic self-defense curriculum. The core of our traditional martial arts curriculum integrates Jukaido Kan Karate, Do Taekwondo, Karate, Hapkido and practice specific to the Qua style.
We don’t require a full uniform to train, but you will need to wear your Traveling Dojo karate pants, a Traveling Dojo T-Shirt, and of course your karate belt. We adhere to a more structured and disciplined environment which includes traditional ceremonies during instruction. You will also be eligible for belt promotions through an accredited international martial arts federation. While training sessions do not require full formal attire, our belt promotions and promotion readiness sessions will require the full uniform (karate pants and Gi top).
Our curriculum is accredited and based on Qua, an international style founded by 7-time world champion kickboxing and boxing champion, Grandmaster Qua. We offer fully accredited and certified belt promotions through the Qua International Federation.
Training includes “classroom style” learning where we will present and discuss material on awareness, prevention, avoidance and other self-defense principles critical to your safety.
self-defense curriculum
Our self-defense curriculum offers practical self-defense techniques & conditioning in an informal setting. We incorporate elements of Hapkido, Krav Maga, Karate punches & Karate kicks and joint locks, without the formality of traditional ceremonies or belt promotions.
If you prefer a more structured and formal experience with belt promotions, and traditional ceremonies, then consider our Traditional Martial Arts curriculum. That curriculum also includes self-defense, however we cover material more related to martial arts.
live in peace, conflict free
We will teach you, in a practical manner, the concepts of awareness, prevention, readiness, response and defense, if it comes to that.
What We Offer
We teach concepts in a “classroom-style” environment, as well as practicing what we preach. We will train to condition our minds and our bodies to respond to real life situations.
Bring peace to Life
Our goal is not to fight anyone. We want to approach situations with peace. The moment you enter our dojo, your ego will be checked at the door, for good!
instructional formats
Each instructional format covers all training under the selected curriculum(s). You may select more than one curriculum, or create a curriculum tailored to your training objectives. The curriculum you select will be taught in your preferred format.
Note that the formats discussed below are only offered for our Get Me Started and our I’m All In programs.
Private Lessons
Private instruction is tailored specifically towards the student at an agreeable location.
This format is great for those who desire a high level of achievement, with attention to detail.
Private lessons are also ideal for students that may struggle providing their full attention in a group session, for students with specific challenges or who may not feel comfortable in a group session.
small group lessons
Small group instruction is provided in groups of between two to five students max, and offers a lower tuition cost.
We feel five students is the sweet spot to maintain a high level of attention. Your group may consist of students of different ages.
In our small group lessons, each student will get the same level of instruction, with the same attention to detail.
Our programs
The minimum age for our martial arts programs is 6 years of age; however, our self-defense program is better suited for teenagers and adults.
Choose from training 2 days per week (Get Me Started ), 3 days per week (I’m All In ), our School & Youth Center program or our Bring My Dojo To Work program.
Get Me Started
I’m All-In
School & Youth Center
Bring My Dojo To Work
get me started, or
i’m all in
Once you have selected a curriculum and a preferred format you will decide how often to train. Choose from 2 days per week (Get Me Started) or 3 days per week (I’m All In).
If you’re unsure, or are new to martial arts, we suggest you start with the Get Me Started program. If you are highly motivated or have prior martial arts experience, then you may want to try the I’m All In program.
The only difference between these programs is how often you want to train.
school & youth center
Our School & Youth Center program offers opportunities to elementary, middle and high school students to participate in an after-school program at their school or local youth center.
We deliver hybrid self-defense and traditional martial arts training sessions. This program is offered only once a year to any school or youth center, and is intended as an introduction to self-defense and the martial arts.
We offer this program free of charge as an introductory offer for 4 weeks. We bring all the necessary equipment to your facility.
bring my dojo to work
Don’t want to sit in traffic after work and wind up training late at night? Then this program is a great way to manage your time and have fun with your colleagues.
This program is for working adults and offers instruction at your place of work.
We will work with your employer to ensure that we are all in a safe and legitimate environment to train
We bring all necessary equipment to your workplace. The program is offered only in a group format (5 students min., 10 students max).